Other Laws & Regulations

Trading activities within Qatar Stock Exchange are governed by various laws and rules & regulations. We strive to make sure our customers are aware of these laws, rules & regulations by making them easily accessible below:

AML Rules

Money Laundering is the process of converting illegitimately gained money into legitimate by making it appear to have been earned through legal activities. There is no fixed means or calculations for estimating the amount of money laundered every year within domestic and international market. However, it is estimated that the amount of money laundered during each year is in billions and pose a significant policy concern for the governments. As a result, there are efforts taken to prevent money laundering activities.

Anti-Money Laundering is the term widely used in financial and legal industries. Within the framework stipulated by the Law No(8) of 2012 and the Regulations of Qatar Financial Markets Authority, the Authority has defined the rules and regulations related to anti-money laundering.

The purpose of the AML rules is to help detect and report suspicious activity including the predicate offenses to money laundering and terrorist financing, such as securities fraud and market manipulation. - See more at:


QSE Rule Book

Qatar Stock Exchange has compiled and issued a rule book for investors who would like to indulge in trading activities. Click on the below link for downloading the Rule Book:

QSE Rule Book

QCSD By Laws

Qatar Central Securities Depository has defined the By Laws which governs all trading activities related to securities. Click on the below link for downloading the By Laws:

QCSD By Laws

Security Awareness

For your security, never share your username, password OTP, PINs or other online e-trading details .Create a difficult password of at least 8 characters composed of a combination of upper/lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Be sure to log-off your online e-trade session when completed. Do not just close the page, or go to another site leaving the session open Monitor and review your account activity frequently to ensure no fraudulent activity has occurred and if so, report it immediately to Commercial Bank Financial services.

For reporting of suspicious communication using CBFS name , please let us know immediately by calling our office 44495050.